
Showing posts from July, 2023

Bojack Horseman

After years of seemingly being the only person in the office who didn't have Netflix, I finally caved and subscribed for a month. The thing that unexpectedly ended up pushing me over the line was a glowing review for the animated film Nimona . Long story short, I didn't feel as strongly about it as the reviewer, but I did enjoy it. Of course, I was then left with the question of which of the many shows on Netflix that I'd previously missed out on to watch next, and I ended up picking Bojack Horseman , since I'd heard many good things about it. The first episode was... okay , but didn't exactly blow me away. It had some decent gags, but I mostly came away from it wondering whether this was going to be another one of those "edgy" shows where we're supposed to root for a protagonist who's a complete asshole. I'm glad I continued watching! I can't remember the last time I ended up being this engrossed by a television show. I laughed, I cried, a

Elderly parents

I suppose taking care of ageing parents is never easy, but when you live in a different country than they do, it definitely adds extra complications. I found out a few weeks ago that my elderly mother was diagnosed with cardiac arrhythmia - this partially played into her decision to sell the garden . This morning I found out via a message from my brother that my Mum will need to have another test done next week to determine whether she needs a stent . I had to look up what that even meant. Now, we don't even know for sure yet whether she will indeed need that procedure to be done, but if it does turn out to be necessary, it's my (very limited) understanding that it's a relatively routine thing and not all that scary, despite of involving the heart. However, even assuming the best possible outcome here, considering that my Mum turns 83 this year, she's still gonna have a hard time with needing this kind of surgery. I knew immediately that if push comes to shove, I'll