Promise vs. reality

Today my mother and I went to the local shopping centre to run some errands. First we visited a shop for her landline and cable provider, as I was interested in adding internet to her package, with an eye on me coming to visit more often in the future. I was hopeful that this would be easy, as she was sent a brand-new modem only the other week, which does have wi-fi capacity and everything; it's just not unlocked.

First the guy told us that he couldn't just "add" internet, we would have to be changed to a whole new bundle deal. Fine, I thought. And no, we couldn't keep the current modem, in fact we'd need two new boxes installed. With an activation fee. And a monthly rent. And my Mum would need a new landline number. That's where I kind of went "come on", because I couldn't believe that simply amending an existing contract would require a new landline number. The guy called up some higher-level support, chatted with them for about ten minutes, and then told us that we'd need to go to their HQ in another disctrict.

So we left without having achieved anything. I was really hoping that this would be doable, and I was in fact willing to overpay quite a bit (since I won't actually be here to use the internet every month), just for the convenience of not having to deal with on-and-off mobile solutions whenever I'm in Austria, but this is just too ridiculous. I can't do that to my mother.

Then we went to an electronics store to submit some old slides of my Dad's for digitalisation. Their website advertised that this was going to be done directly in store and really fast, with most orders being ready for pick-up on the same day. We had a lot of slides though, so I fully expected the process to take longer than that, maybe a few days. What I didn't expect was them saying that it would be at least a month - meaning that by the time they'll be ready, I'll be back in the UK and it'll fall to my Mum to pick everything up. I mean, we're still getting it done, but this is pretty close to false advertising in my opinion. A pretty disappointing trip, all in all.


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