Virtual reality delight

For as much as I'm into PC gaming, I've never really had the slightest interest in virtual reality. I'm not sure why, other than that watching other people with a giant brick strapped to their head doesn't exactly convey an image of fun.

Then again, I'd never really had a chance to try a VR headset for myself either... until last week, when the husband and I visited a friend who made us put on his Meta Quest 3 and play some games. I had some familiarity with the concept of Beat Saber from YouTube videos I'd seen, but I've got to admit I was still kind of shocked by just how fun it was. I can totally image buying that headset purely to play this one game for hours and hours, I thought to myself, though I didn't want to quite admit the level of my delight out loud. Then it was my husband's turn and he was even more excited than I was.

"I've got to admit, I'm considering buying one of these for ourselves," he admitted when we went to bed that night.
"What do you want me to say to that?" I asked.
"I don't know... talk me out of it?"
"Not gonna happen, I had way too much fun with Beat Saber myself."

So it was only two days later that we became the proud owners of our own Meta Quest 3, and we've both been taking turns pretending to be Jedi whacking musical notes for a couple of hours already. It gets you surprisingly sweaty after a while!


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