
The big project is still targeting the 1st of October for launch. With less than a week to go and everybody scrambling like crazy, somebody up top decided that this was the perfect time to announce an internal reorganisation including a bunch of job cuts. I can only guess that this was driven by a desire to have all the redundant people gone by the end of the year (as I think most of them probably had a three-month notice period).

I get to stay employed, but my little team of four will basically cease to exist, with two people's roles being made redundant and me and one other guy getting shunted off to somewhere else in the org chart. The talking points were about what great growth plans the company has for the coming years, what agile innovators we are, and what amazing new opportunities this will bring for all of us.

I guess I should be grateful that I get to keep my job, but I just feel bad. I'm simply not good at this capitalism thing. All I want is to earn enough to get by, work with people whose company is pleasant and do something that feels at least vaguely useful.

Having been with the same business for more than ten years, I've seen my fair share of change, and maybe this will turn out to be just another one of those things. It sure isn't helping my motivation to work extra hard for the next few weeks though!


  1. Ugh, yeah, layoffs are always a demotivator even if the reasons are wholly legitimate. I'm glad you survived the cuts and I hope you end up in a decent position/place for the future.

    That October 1st deadline feels like someone is trying to hit a Fiscal Year-End deadline. I wouldn't be surprised if deadline hits, someone up above declares success so that their bonuses go through and then everyone has to spend the next x months making everything actually work as well as the old system. I've been there unfortunately. :/


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