The plot thickens

I haven't written about work since September. The short of it is that our new website went live and was... surprisingly functional, considering the tight deadline for its creation. That said, in the back-end things were less great: there were write-offs due to messed up orders, and our customer ratings started to plummet. We all figured that it would be the business's number one priority to get our house back in order, but no...

Instead they immediately dumped another project on us, to help with the migration of another website that we weren't at all familiar with, for another country and in a language most of us don't even speak. Can't say that particularly enthused anyone - but okay, we figured they thought we'd done such a good job with our own website and wanted us to help these other guys now that we knew how to do it.

Except - we never got to talk to said other guys aside from one or two people. We repeatedly asked about this, because how can we help when we don't even know who we're helping and are completely lacking in local expertise ourselves?! The answers we got were cagey, with the implication that some of the locals might be made redundant but it wasn't all sorted yet and because this was a sensitive subject, we were supposed to keep a distance for now.

At this point however, the supposed launch of this other new site is less than three months away and we're no closer to being allowed to interact with anyone who would actually have any kind of ownership over it. We also noticed that the current live version of said site is starting to show certain signs of neglect, like there aren't enough people to look after it anymore or they just don't care, further feeding the rumour mill.

Meanwhile the edict from above remains that we "must" hit the deadline for the launch of the new site; a delay cannot even be considered this time. While nobody actually seems to want to own said site. I'd be more upset if I wasn't so curious to find out just how this soap opera is going to play out...


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